The beggining of Spring is March 21st, the time of the spring equinox, when day equals night. This is a good time to take a look at your life and make a new plan. What do you want to clear out as the past in your environment and within yourself- and what do you wish to see happen this year? This can be a new start. Take a little time to write a new health/life plan, commit yourself to a body cleansing, and let those dreams blossom.
In the Chinese system of the five elements, the spring season is correlated with the element Wood, which governs the gallbladder and liver, and refers to the growing structures; the roots, trunk and limbs for the trees and plants; the spine, limbs and joints in the human being. A Wood imbalance can result in spinal problems, poor flexibility, or a weak rootedness of an individual. In the Chinese system, arthritis is viewed as a wood problem.
The eyes are the sense organ for the liver and Wood element, thus sight is the sense and tears are the fluid. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine says…"the eyes are connected with the liver, therefore the vision is strengthened when the liver receives blood" Problems of the eyes, vision or tearing mechanism are often related to a Wood imbalance. The nails, speciallly the toe nails, are the wood element indicadors, so you may check both the eye tissue, and the nails for the state of the health of the liver.
The Wood element is associated with the sour flavor, and the Nei Jing says "the Liver craves the sour flavor". Some sour foods will nourish the liver; too much can cause problems. A person who craves sour or vinegary foods or who has a real distaste for them may be revealing a Wood imbalance.
The emotion of anger and the sound of shouting are related to the Wood element. If you feel these inside, you may wish to express them in a safe way. Held-in emotions of any kind may breed disease.
The tissues governed by the Wood element are the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, those parts which holds us together, and give us both strength and flexibility. If these areas are problematic, there may be a weakness or congestion in the Wood element. Muscle fatigue and weakness are two possible difficulties.
There many natural substances that support healthy function of the gallbladder and liver, and which help protect us from the chemicals, alcohol, and fatty foods that we may consume. Apples, apple juice, and apple cider vinegar are helpful for gallbladder function. Olive oil is a great nutritive. Fresh lemon and lemon water are my favorite. There are also many herbs like milk thistle, dandelion, and licorice to support the liver.
Tips for Liver Health:
Avoid toxins such as household and industrial chemicals, alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and many prescription drugs.
Drink lots of fluids and use fresh lemon in your water for liver cleansing.
Fesh organic cold-pressed olive oil is the best for the liver.
Exercise and sweat regularly to help with liver detoxification.
Milk thistle herb (silymarin) and olive leaf extract support and desinfect the liver.
The way you eat is a significant part of a healthy diet. Taking a special moment to relax befote eating prepares your body to receive the full nourishment of your meal. You should not eat when you are tense or upset, or in a stressful environment. Breathe deeply, chew well, eat only what you need, and take the time to digest your foods.
The more natural, or whole foods are, the easier it it for our bodies to digest and asimÌlate them, providing the energy for our cells to work. Foods can be eaten raw, cooked (steam, baked, fried) or processed (ingredients changed). The latest ones have lost much of their natural nourishment and have no specific function in our body. Fried foods and oils, plus any chemicals, are hard for the liver to handle.
Those foods which are preserved with unnatural additivies ‘for longer lif’e have no life at all, and the body must work to eliminate them. Many foods have high calories without much nourishment, like refined sugars and white flours. A diet high in "whole foods" and very low in processed or chemical added foods will do you well. If you eat properly and balance your intake with regular elimination and exercise, you will experience optimum health.
Cleansing the body means to get rid of exceso waste and disease. This is done via resting from foods for a period of time and drinking juices of fruit and vegetables and/or water.
We can look at cleansing our bodies in the same way as we look at maintaining our automobiles. If we never check, clean or replace coged tubes, and continue to drive them, they World often brake down. Our machina from it’s conception was designed to run on the pure, unpolluted, unprocessed fuel from the Mother Earth.
The Springtime seems to be the best time for mayor cleansing, drinking nourishing liquids, such as fruit and vegetable juices, for a period of five to ten days or longer. This differs from fasting, defined as water intake only.
You may develop a schedule of liquids only one day per week or a three-day period monthly. It will indeed strengthen, and ligthen your life preventing physical degeneration by eliminating toxic buildup in tissues and organs.
The "Master Cleanser" or the" Lemonade Diet" is an easy way to keep energy levels while cleansing. The formula is: 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice; 1-2 tablespoons of pure 100% maple syrup; and 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper, all mixed in half liter of water, preferably pure spring water. The lemon is perfect to cleanse the liver specially. High in vitamin C and potassium, and other minerals, rids the body of deep toxins accumulated during years in the tissues and organs (excellent for arthritis sufferers).
The cayenne pepper helps clear the blood and cleanses the mucus, as well as keeps the body warm. The maple is wonderful for it’s calories and a natural sugar (non refined).
Drink Master Cleanser as hended througthout the day, at least eight glasses. And to keep the intestines moving and aid in the elimination process one tablespoon of olive oil twice daily would do. It is also a liver tonic.!!!
Internal SALT water bathing involves adding one quart of lukewarm water to two teaspoons of sea SALT, and drinking the whole quart first thing in the morning. This bathing is a great added technique to the Master cleanser and the orally taken oil.
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